Mission Statement

Welcome! Sentinel Apologetics is an academically orientated apologetics ministry for the sole purpose in educating the next generation of Christians, by producing content for a scholarly discourse between Christians and non-Christians. The Hebrew word tsaphah appears in Ezekiel 33:1-9, and it translates to mean "Sentinel." It's a descriptive title that Ezekiel was commanded to embody. Centuries later, Paul used the Greek equivalent and writes: "I keep pursuing the goal [skopon] to win the prize of God's heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus." (Philippians 3:14) Paul teaches us that Christians have a mark that is given by the Logos. Thus, Christians are to aim for a future goal, uniting our wills with God, and in faith pursuing the goal that he sets before us. Thus, Christians are to encompass the scientific method, look at topics critically, and maintain a healthy testable model for the Christian worldview.
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If you have any questions pertaining to scientific, theological, or philosophical concepts, feel free to get in touch with us as we look forward to answering any questions you have on the Christian faith.
For questions and concerns please follow the guidelines below so that we may be able to answer your questions more directly:
Questions should focus on a single issue. Please do not ask multiple, unrelated questions.
Questions should be genuine. Please do not submit your views dogmatically.
Questions should be in English.
Have a blessed day!